Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.Near the pressure level 3450;Preface:
Preface:Near the strong support level 2230,Author's statement: Personal opinion, for reference only.
Last night, I shared the outlook post for 2024. Some friends read it and some didn't. Looking back now, the analysis at that time was still a little wrong. The following are several aspects to share with you.Last night, I shared the outlook post for 2024. Some friends read it and some didn't. Looking back now, the analysis at that time was still a little wrong. The following are several aspects to share with you.It is expected to open low and go high, bottom out and rebound, and the bulls will stand firm at 3450 points.
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide